The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook
The Routines Workbook

The Routines Workbook


Regular price $18.00

Routines help us cultivate what matters most. They ground our lives in consistency, give us the structure we crave, and ensure that our everyday lives are filled with the things that actually matter most to us.

The Routines Workbook, a companion to your PowerSheets® goal planner and Season by Season™ planner, will help you uncover, build, and stick to the best routines for the season of life you’re in. Far from adding unnecessary rigidity to your days, the right routines will give you relief from the chaotic, reactive life you’re living now.

With small, consistent steps forward over time, your efforts at building a life you love will add up—no perfection required.

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