A couples devotional book called Sourcebooks - Staymarried: A Couples Devotional designed to strengthen marriage bonds through Scripture readings and therapeutic best practices
Staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional cover featuring a happy couple reading together
A couple enjoying a 30-minute devotion together from the Staymarried book
Close-up of the Staymarried book with a highlighted passage about effective communication
A couple discussing a reading from Staymarried while holding hands and smiling
A man and woman sitting together, reading and discussing the Staymarried devotional
The Staymarried book open to a page discussing practical techniques for effective communication and conflict management

#Staymarried: A Couples Devotional

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30-minute couples devotionals will strengthen your marriage #Staymarried: A Couple’s Devotional gracefully blends Scripture readings and therapeutic best practices to help couples bond.

When you spend 30 minutes each week discussing a reading with your spouse, you’ll also learn practical techniques for effective communication and conflict management. You’ll be able to better connect with your spouse, and strengthen your commitment to sacred marriage.

Discover why Christians are using this couples devotional as a resource for effective marriage guidance:

  • Real solutions for real problems—Many marriages face similar issues: trust, intimacy, managing finances, and learning to fight fair (yes, you can learn to fight more productively). 
  • Manageable time frame—Weekly topics are bite-sized enough to tackle in half an hour, but meaningful enough that you can achieve real progress with each devotional.
  • Skills for a lifetime—With this couples devotional, any couple can develop the skills to build a healthier, stronger relationship for the rest of their lives. 

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